Have you ever wanted to make all the fart sounds on the fart board? Well the only way for someone to do that, weird though it may be to even make the attempt, is to produce a lot of farts. Luckily nature has given us a lot of fart friendly foods that will give us an almost unlimited number of tries.

People’s bodies have different reactions to different food so it’s all dependent on how your body reacts to them. But here are the foods that will generally cause flatulence if eaten in adequate amounts.

·      Dairy products
·      Beans
·      High starch foods like sweet potatoes
·      Cashews

There are a ton of other foods and they’re usually the really high carbohydrate ones. So if you want to make the fart soundboard dupplication attempt, better stock up. Alternatively if you want to avoid farting so much, you might want to check you diet.